2nd International Foreign Languages Olympiad for students
Department of Linguistics and Cross-Cultural Communication, Institute of Philology and Language Communication of Siberian Federal University in cooperation with Krasnoyarsk Regional Association of English Language Teachers “KELTA” are happy to…

We call for higher education professionals teaching English for subject areas and those teaching subjects through English medium or integrating content with English to participate in Hornby Project Scheme CLIL…

1st International Foreign Languages Olympiad
1st International Foreign Languages Olympiad FIRST CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Department of linguistics and cross-cultural communication, Institute of Philology and Language Communication of Siberian Federal University in cooperation with Krasnoyarsk Regional…

«Eurasian Linguistics Olympiad»
«Eurasian Linguistics Olympiad» is a national academic competition in foreign languages for secondary school students, held by top ten linguistic universities of Russia. The mission of the competition is to…

Christmas Festivities at Institute
Christmas Festivities that traditionally take place near Christmas tree during lunch breaks will start on 23 December and will last until 27 December. Christmas songs and carols, dance performances and…

Pronunciation Competition
A traditional Institute’s pronunciation competition will take place this year on December 18, at 14:10 in room 2-22 (“Pyramid” building, 82a Svobodny Prospect).A leading topic of competition is “Christmas spirit”.…