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Department Chair: Candidate of Philology, Assoc. Prof. Tatyana Verenich
Department Profile
Department of Russian as a Foreign Language is an integral part of Institute of Philology and Language Communication SFU and has an extensive experience in educating international students from all over the world: the United Kingdom, China, Germany, USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Turkey, Korea, and Japan.
Department’s activity is focused on training graduates in compliance with “Practice and Theory of Translation” education program and Bachelor’s Degree program “Linguistics”.
In addition to abovementioned, Department provides:
individual internships for academic teaching staff from European and Asian universities;
internships for students from Durham University (UK), University of Passau (Germany), Heilongjiang University, Harbin University of Technology, Hulunbeier University (China), Pai Chai University(Republic of Korea).
As a result, students could get a standard certificate of completion training course in Russian as a foreign language.
Department staff over the years has accumulated a great teaching experience, which has resulted in the development of educational programs and special courses for different specialties. The most important are:
Educational programs
Theory of the Russian language ( for foreign students )
Practical course of the first foreign language (modern Russian language) (for foreign students)
Stylistics of the Russian language (for foreign students)
Theoretical Phonetics of the Russian language (for foreign students)
History of the Russian language and specific aspects of linguistic theory
Ancient heritage and lessons of Russian as a foreign language .
Russian language. Grammar.
Russian language. Stylistics.
Russian language. Phonetics.
Russian language. Geography.
“Russian poetry”. Practice course in translation
“Let them talk!” Practice course in spoken language
Professional development
Every year teachers of Department attend special training courses at leading universities of Russia:
Moscow State Pedagogical University named after V.I. Lenin, “Russian as a foreign language”;
The Pushkin State Russian Language Institute,”Teaching Russian as a foreign language”;
Training center for specialists in philology and linguocultural studies at St. Petersburg State University, “Russian as a foreign language”
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow), “Linguodidactic testing” (I, II, III, IV certification levels), "Seminar for specialists in conducting Russian Proficiency Test to apply for citizenship”;
Institute for Cultural Programs, St. Petersburg, “Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language”;
Siberian Federal University, Advanced Training Faculty, “Methods of teaching foreign languages in the aspect of linguistics”, “Ethno-psychological basis of teaching Russian as a foreign language”, “Innovative activities of faculty members”
St. Petersburg State University , “Linguodidactic testing” (I, II, III, IV certification levels)
Scientific conferences and workshops
Scientific and research priorities of Department staff include researches on contrastive and cognitive linguistics. Many of faculty members take part in international scientific conferences and workshops, such as:
“Russian as a Foreign Language. Teaching Issues” workshop during Days of Russian Literature in Krasnoyarsk (April 5-9, 2010);
“Dialogue of cultures in terms of language and text” young scientists conference with international participation;
“Yenisey Siberia as linguistic region” International scientific conference in memory of Professor V. Rogovaya , Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University (November 02-10, 2009);
“Contemporary issues in science, technology and education” International Conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of A.S. Popov, Krasnoyarsk, SFU (November 19-20, 2009);
“Krasnoyarsk Territory: Past, Present and Future” International Conference dedicated to the 375th anniversary of the Krasnoyarsk Territory , Krasnoyarsk, (November19-21, 2009);
“Lomonosov 2010”, XVII International Conference of Students and Young Scientists, Moscow, MSU (April 12-15, 2010);
“Global English in the Global World” International Conference, Moscow, Moscow State University (April 14, 2010);
“International Management and Marketing at Higher Education Institutions ” International scientific conference, SibSAU (October 21 23, 2009);
“Slavic Philology : Research and Methodological Aspects” II International Conference ( July 1-3, 2009 , Kemerov)
“Russian language and culture in the mirror of translation” II International Scientific Conference (dedicated to 150th anniversary of the birth of Anton Chekhov), (April 28 - May 2, 2010 Thessaloniki, Greece);
“Regional cooperation between Russia and China in the twenty- first century” International Scientific Conference (April 3-24, 2010, Institute of Manchuria ,Manchuria, China);
“Language. Discourse. Text” V International Conference, Rostov -on-Don, (2010);
“Role of Foreign Languages in training specialists in oil and gas industry: problems and prospects of modern education” II International Scientific Conference (Tyumen, 2010);
“Socio-cultural and ethno-linguistic translation problems in the paradigm of European integration” III International Conference (Kiev, 2010);
"Development of intercultural competence through learning foreign languages: opportunities, methods, problems” International seminar held by Council of Europe (October 23-26, 2006, Irkutsk);
Academic cooperation
University of Durham (the United Kingdom);
Pai Chai University(Republic of Korea);
Heilongjiang University (China);
“East Institute” of Heilongjiang Province (China);
Harbin Institute of Technology (China);
Hulunbeier University of Inner Mongolia (China);
University of Passau (Germany)
Some of Department members have an experience of working as visiting lecturers at universities of the UK (E.N. Polukhina, University of Durham) and China (E.N. Polukhina , M.V. Shcherbakova , T.L. Smirnova , O.V. Sokolovskaya, “East Institute”) .
Department maintains close ties with the Department of Intercultural Communication of Herzen State Pedagogical University ( St. Petersburg). As a result, Department on the regular basis invites Dr. of Philology, Prof. G.M. Vasilieva, a leading expert in the field of intercultural communication and teaching Russian as a foreign language, to deliver course of lectures on “Ethno-psychological basis of Russian as a foreign language” (2006).
Strategic priorities
Promotion of Russian as a language of international communication;
Promotion of Russia’s positive image abroad , formation of positive attitude towards Russian society and culture;
Strengthening the credibility of Russia as a political, economic , educational and scientific center of the modern world;
Promotion of the Russian language to create a common information space for all Russian speaking population abroad;
Improving prestige of science in modern society;
Extension of international relations;
Searching potential foreign partners, interested in collaboration with Siberian region;
Providing improved training for a new generation of professionals with a competitive advantages in labor market;
Promotion of SFU as an international scientific and educational center
Ethnic tolerance formation ;
Formation of ethnic identity among Russians through teaching Russian as a foreign language;
Harmonization of interethnic relations in multilingual society;
Reinventing the role of teachers in today's society