Contact information
82a Svobodny Prospect, Room 3-36
Phone: 206-26-81
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Department Chair: Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Assoc. Prof. Olesya Volkova,
Departmental Officer: Anna Kozheko
Department of Oriental Languages was originally established in the form of Chinese philology section of Krasnoyarsk State University (KSU). When Faculty of Modern Foreign Languages was founded at KSU in 1996, the section was transformed into Department of Oriental Languages. Department as a part of the Faculty of Foreign Languages joined the Institute of Philology and Language Communication, SFU in 2007.
A common practice to employ Department’s alumni (cum laude as a rule) as lecturers has already become a tradition that helps to create warm and friendly working atmosphere. Department’s alumni M.A. Kadantseva, O.N. Volkova, I.G. Nagibina, K.Ye. Onischuk, V.V. Chekaeva, Ya.T. Kurashvili are currently working as lecturers in Chinese, and Yu. M. Goryacheva, I. A. Rabtsevich, O.V. Eftor are lecturers in Japanese.
Department teachers do different international internships and improve their skills on the regular basis taking various courses at leading universities in Russia and abroad: internship at Fudan University, Shanghai, China, May - June 2008 (I.G. Nagibina, O.N. Volkova), internship at East China Normal University, Shanghai, China , January 2012 (I.G. Nagibina, O.N. Volkova); traineeship at International Center of Japanese Language, Japan Foundation, Saitama, Japan in 2003 – 2004 (Yu. M. Goryacheva) and 2010 – 2011 (I. A. Rabtsevich), internship program for young professionals in the field of Japanese studies from the CIS countries, organized by the Department of Japanese Culture, Moscow, June 2012 (O.V. Eftor).
M.A. Kadantseva worked as a teacher of Russian and English languages at Heilongjiang University, Harbin, China (2002-2007), as well as participated in internship program “Culture of China” at Shandong State University, Jinan, China (July-August 2013).
Department invites visiting lecturers from China, Japan, South Korea and Turkey annually to conduct classes in foreign languages for students. There are several teachers from China (Yang Mingbo, Yu Haichang, Li Shuang, Dong Haitao, Lai Tianzhong, Tan Ying, Zhou Jing) and Japan (Yuki Watanabe) who work currently at Department. Li Shuang , Dong Haitao, Lai Tianzhong, Tan Ying and Zhou Jing were invited in the course of “Supporting Chinese as a foreign language” specdial program, held by Chinese Language Council International, Ministry of Education of China (Hanban) Yang Mingbo, who works as a senior lecturer at Department for several years, is also a postgraduate student at SFU. In October 2011 Yang Mingbo took part in the National Seminar on Teaching of Chinese Language and Development of Confucius Institutes in Russia, at Kazan Federal University.
Academic collaboration with foreign universities plays a significant role:
Key partners include:
- Shanghai International Studies University (Shanghai, China)
- Heilongjiang University (Harbin, China)
- Harbin Institute of Technology (Harbin, China)
- Pai Chai University (Daejeon, Republic of Korea )
- University of Aichi Prefecture (Nagoya , Japan)
Department promotes international students exchange and academic mobility processes with active support of Department’s counterparts from China, Japan and South Korea. In cooperation with Northeast Normal University (Changchun, China) and under the auspices of Hanban, Department organized training courses on “Methods of teaching Chinese as a foreign language” program (August 2013). Students of Department have an opportunity to improve their language skills during language courses in foreign countries (China, Japan and Republic of Korea). Many of them also take part in national and international language competitions (Irkutsk, Novosibirsk), do presentations at scientific conferences, take language tests at foreign universities and embassies, gain government grants to study abroad.